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Skip Navigation LinksMechanical and Electrical Services

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​mechanical_electrical.jpgThere are two sections under Department of Mechanical & Electrical which are:

(1) Building Services Section
(2) Mechanical Section

The main roles and responsibilities of each section are:

(1) Building Services Section   

Mechanical and electrical installation works.

Existing Buildings

Mechanical and electrical maintenance
Maintenance of VIP Residences
Maintenance of Istana Edinburgh, Istana Kota Mengelela, Istana Darussalam, Istana Darul Aman, Assarraa, Assiadah etc through Istana Maintenance Unit
Trade testing of workers
Product evaluation
Preparation works for national events - E.g. National Day celebrations etc

(2) Mechanical Section

Maintenance services for government vehicles and heavy equipment
Technical evaluation of vehicles and equipment
Technical inspection Reports for write-off purposes
Driving lessons for government staff (Class 1, 2, 5 & 11)

 Transportation Services

​Transportation services:
Official functions, International Meetings, VIP requests
Government scrapyard management
Provision of heavy machinery and transportation vehicles as and when required e.g. during national disasters​