Manpower Industry Steering Committee (MISC)
Construction was established under the Manpower Planning and Employment Council (MPEC) in an effort to enhance locals’
employability and to ensure local jobseekers and graduates acquire relevant
skills and competencies within the construction industry.
Roles and responsibilities of MISC Construction are:
- Identify the critical occupations and focuses on the type and number of jobs that are demanded by the construction industry.
- Works with construction industry to co-develop curriculum and program that aligns with the construction industy's standards and requirements.
- Propose a Construction Industry Competency Framework (CICF) alignment to the construction industry requirements.
- Approve standards and accredits programs and courses.
Construction has identified Top 11 (eleven) critical occupations in the
construction industry. With the right plan and strategies, these occupations
can be filled in by local jobseekers. The occupations are:
- Resident
Technical Officer (RTOf)
- Clerk of
Works (CoW)
- Company
Site Representative (CSRep)
- Draughtsperson
- Heavy
Goods Vehicle’s (HGV) driver
- Carpenter
- Scaffolder
for Construction
- Building
- Air
Conditioning Technician and
- Plumber /
Pipe Fitter