Vision: Built Environment of Distinction
Mission: To develop a comprehensive infrastructure, buildings and services for nation building towards quality living
PWD plays an important role to realize the national aspirations as set out in Wawasan Brunei 2035 through our Vision to provide the Built Environment of Distinction. We possess the technical capacity to build the infrastructure & render project management services for sustainable socio-economic development.
Core Values:
- 1 JKR - Teamwork; Integrity; Professionalism; Innovative; Dynamic
- We are responsive to our customers & the community at large
- We are dedicated to incorporate sustainable development in our work & environment
- We practise safe & healthy work environment
Strategic Themes:
1. Develop an ‘Organisation of 1st Choice’ & recognised as a Technical Authority. Continually delivers:
- ‘1st world’ infrastructure & buildings
- Exemplary project management
- A role model in asset management
2. Develop a dynamic & best-practising organisational culture embracing:
- Creativity & innovations
- A learning organisation
- Sustainable development
3. Develop & nurture our people to
- Be professional in rendering services at all levels
- Possess the right skills & knowledge
- Customer 1st mindset